To: mike kriedler, insurance commisioner and Governor Jay Inslee

health care

Allow all insurance companies to engage in the pratice of providing health care coverage for private citizens and businesses in this state not just a few,, Get rx perscriptions coverage back into the policies all policys get maternity out of my policy that is not a viable product at 50+age.. let the consumer make up their policy to fit them. drop the co insurance and the high deductables out of the normal person range if you buy a insurance policy insurance companys should pay the in full bill minus the deductable

Why is this important?

health care insurance companys ,have been ripping us all off for years . my policy i peronally have is junk and insurance is supposed to support and aid when the benefit is needed , when you purchase a product it should deliver a product that would be service. none of the policies i have seen on line provide that.. make insurance companys provide adaquate coverage for the money you suppy them