To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Health Care For All~Dr Accountability!

We need to sign this petition to make sure that there is quality and affordable health care for alll now! We can no longer wait while our loved ones suffer needlessly die to lack of care!Each and every one of us pays taxes every day & should not be denied or discriminated against when it comes to our health!

Why is this important?

We can no longer put greed before people's lives!
All of us deserve quality affordable health care without discrimination due to lack of finances, chronic illness, disability, age, sex, race, or religion. Veterans First!
Doctors and hospitals held accountable for patients safety! Decisions made by Patients and Doctors not insurance CEO's!



orientation! Non profit orginizatipns not government should be involved in our health
care or be allowed to invade our privacy! Our veterans need to be top priority! Patients & Dr's need to make decisions together not CEO's of HMO's. Our hospitals & clinics can no longer be run by corporations who make life and death decisions for patients! Dr's and hospitals need to be held accountabile for the care & safety of their patients!
