To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Health Care Freedom

Incorporate proven alternative and preventive therapies into our insurance coverage. Americans spent 34 BILLION dollars out of pocket last year on these services. Clearly we want to use them. Make preventive care an option for us.

Why is this important?

Last week the European Parliament Interest Group made a recommendation to the EU commission that complementary care be made part of their directive - for the EU to "actively support the greater integration of complementary and alternative medicine into the healthcare of EU citizens, especially with regards to the prevention and treatment of cancer". The World Health Organization has for many years incorporated it's recommendation to all world governments that they incorporate these alternative options into their existing health care systems. It is time for the US to adopt this directive. Americans spend billions of dollars out of pocket on these therapies, many of which have been studied and approved by the WHO. The integration of modern Western therapies and preventive and complementary medicine is an answer to out of control health care costs. The US outspends all other nations, with markedly inferior health outcomes. Change is needed, and we know what will move us forward. Incorporate proven alternative therapies into our insurance services.
