To: President Donald Trump, The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, Governor John Bel Edwards, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Health Care/Mental Health Care

Demand Healthcare/ Mental Health Funding and Access to Care.It's a Civil/Human Right not a "benefit."

Why is this important?

In light of recent tragedies, It's obvious that Anti-Abortion is not synonymous with Pro-Life.The same hypocrites who label themselves with such titles favor possession of assault rifles in inner cities and drastically reduce health care specifically Mental Health Care.So it's time for the media to start labeling them as such until they live up to their titles.
 I have a colleague who's sister was killed by a mental health candidate and an alum killed by a person who sought mental health treatment only to be denied. How many more tragedies must occur? 
   It's time to petition,march ,riot for mental health care as a basic right for American citizens and a civil right. Stop being observers and participate in making our lives as humans productive to our communities, our nation, and our world.It must start with you. This is the time ....Peace Be With You.
