To: President Donald Trump, The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Wolf, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Health Insurance Reform

dear sir or vag, regarding health care and insurance:


if the statute of limitations for something as trivial as sex is being abolished, i take issue with not being able to prosecute loney hutchins for what he did to me over an 8-9 month period in 1997-1998.

i had been involuntarily confined at mr. loney fred hutchins' quack-rehab establishment called "21st century living services" in gallatin, tennessee. this was back in 1997-1998, when i was 22-23, i was told at age 40 that too much time had passed for anyone to bring him to justice, so now i am on a quest to prevent my ordeal from happening to anyone else.

my ordeal is documented at and, in case you are interested, but i am writing because i feel that insurance companies would save a ton of money if they would keep in contact with their clients. if prudential insurance would have cared enough about where their money was going, they would have contacted me at least once a month when i was loney hutchins' bitch. yes, i was his bitch, he treated me with much contempt and malice. that's water under the bridge, but if prudential insurance would have contacted me to make sure things were okay, well, they would have learned that their money was being wasted. they would have learned that i was being held against my will at a place that was making me miserable every day, and they would have stopped their funding.

it is IMPERATIVE for insurance companies to contact the clients who are in someone else's care, just to ask if things are okay. prudential insurance probably would have saved at least $50,000 if they took the time to contact me while i was being held against my will at 21st century living services. oh, i called the police to save me, but the gallatin police listened to my captor (loney hutchins) and not to me. i was not mandated by anyone to be there, but it took a suicide-attempt to get out. A SUICIDE-ATTEMPT. if prudential insurance would have contacted me just once in the 8-9 months i was there, they would have stopped funding and loney hutchins would have had to let me go. AND I WOULD NOT HAVE ENDANGERED MY LIFE.

this is a petition to raise awareness. in 1997, loney hutchins made me - a naive 22 year-old - sign a contract to be in his program for 6 months, EVEN BEFORE I KNEW WHAT HIS PROGRAM OFFERED. when i called the police, and after they were talking with loney hutchins, they told me that they couldn't do anything to get me out of the dysfunctional rehab-home BECAUSE i signed a contract.

again, i will state that if prudential insurance would have contacted me to ask about my condition, i would have been free without question. instead, let me detail just what i went through. 1) i stayed at the quack-rehab for 6 months of boredom, purposelessness and misery, 2) i was threatened of being sent to a mental-institution if i didn't sign another 6-month contract, 3) i made a few escapes, the last one prompting loney to have bars put over the outside of my window, 4) i cut my wrist, 5) i was sent to a hospital to get sewn up, 6) i was sent to a group-home for depression, 7) i escaped from that group-home ("he doesn't wanna be here," is what the administrator said to police - i wish loney hutchins would have given me up when he realized the same thing), 8) i was sent back to loney's, 9) i threatened to cut my wrist again, 10) i was sent to a depression-ward at "tennessee christian medical center" and i was there for more than a month, 11) loney finally agreed to let me out of the second 6-month contract i signed, 12) the hospital put me on a plane to new jersey so my dad could drive me to "austen riggs" in connecticut, 13) i hopped a flight back to nashville on the layover, 14) i got an apartment in nashville.

now, if loney hutchins would have accepted and respected the fact that i didn't want to be in his "care," or if prudential insurance would have contacted me to talk to me WHILE i was in loney hutchins' "care," i would have not been put through the ordeal i was put through.

this is a petition for people to DEMAND that insurance companies start following-up on the patients who are in someone else's care. this is NOT a petition to bring attention to the bullies known as loney fred hutchins and phyllis joan blasdel hutchins, and this is NOT a petition to bring attention to 21st century living services or the crime of "involuntary confinement".

dylan terreri, i
[email protected]

Why is this important?

i want to prevent my ordeal- with loney hutchins and 21st century living services - from happening again