To: Governor John Bel Edwards

HealthCare and Education

Make our state competetive in education and healthcare for the poor and all citizens of Louisiana. Do not cut Medicare, Medicade to accomplish debt reduction because it allows elders and disabled people to suffer.

Why is this important?

We, the citizens of Louisiana need to provide health care /Hospice for those who do not have insurance. It is heartless to leave these people unprotected when they are sick and upon their death beds.

We MUST develop more educational training for our children so that they can compete in the job markets of the world not merely to serve the tourism industry. We need to guarantee education from the Pre-School to College in quality settings for all in Louisiana. I am a retired New Orleans teacher and I know that Louisiana Education and Educators do not get the best conditions, materials, or pay but do a splendid job with almost nothing. Think what they could accomplish with more from the government. Provide for your citizens and allow us to be proud of our state and government again.
