To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Healthcare Bill HR 1322

In regards to bill HR1322, which is a very important bill to me and 14 million other American voters,we request to enter a companion bill into the Senate. We all need assurance from you and your constituents that you will all enter and support this bill. We could lose our health care because of corporate greed and the delay of the politicians who are standing in the way of getting this bill passed. I'm asking you to confirm that you are more than just listening to me. I need to hear that you are on our side and not on the side of corporate America and get this very important bill passed.

Why is this important?

We all need to do are part in getting HR 1322 passed before we all lose our healthcare. This is not just a union problem, it affects all of us. We'll never get it back once they take it away!