We, the people of New Hampshire whom you claim to represent, are suffering. We are living with rotten teeth, chronic pain, tragic debility and terminal illnesses for which we cannot afford to seek treatment. Meanwhile, you sit and enjoy the certainty of government apportioned healthcare from the comfort of your appointed seat. No more! We propose that healthcare funding is cut for all NH elected officials until the same benefits are available to the general public.
Why is this important?
As someone who suffered through two years of chronic back pain while I searched for insurance to cover the necessary surgery, I can testify that our healthcare system doesn't work. Lack of healthcare ruins lives and destroys families. The petition asks that the same healthcare enjoyed by our elected officials is provided as an affordable option to every resident of the state. If our elected officials don't think this issue is important enough to demand action, let them walk a mile in the shoes of the under and uninsured. Let them forfeit their own affordable healthcare, and we'll see how quickly their minds change.