To: Dr.Kathy Kidder- Wilkerson, Superintendent of Hancock County Schools - WV, Tim Reinard, Member BOE Hancock County WV, Caroll Rosenlieb, Member BOE Hancock County WV, John Manypenny, Member BOE Hancock County WV, Toni Hinerman, Member BOE...

Healthy Start School Later Times for Hancock County Schools (West Virginia)

We call on the Hancock County Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Kathy Kidder-Wilkerson to officially recognize the compelling and vast body of research regarding teen sleep and its implications for student health, well-being and academic success by agreeing to implement later school start times no later than the 2016/2017 academic year. The high school and middle schools should begin as close as possible to the American Academy of Pediatric's recommended guideline of an 8:30 start time.

Why is this important?

We The People of Hancock County WV want Healthy and Safe school hours for ALL Hancock County Students.
When teens get the required 8.5 to 9 hours of sleep:
• The academic performance improves
• They get better grades and scores
• School attendance goes up
• Tardiness decreases
• They sleep less in class
• They have fewer car accidents
• They visit nurses and counselors less often
• They report less depression and irritability
• They suffer fewer concussions and sports injuries
• They have an overall better quality of life
Continuing Starting school early in the morning , without a doubt, undermines optimal health and success of our children.
For more information , studies and researches please visit the Face Book page "Hancock County Wv Start School Later" or Face Book Group " Friends Who Like Hancock County Wv Start School Later".