To: President Donald Trump, The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, Governor Henry McMaster, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Hear the Children out!

Foster care children need to be heard! DSS clean up is needed! Something needs to be done about the way foster children are treated and the way the system is doing things.

Why is this important?

DSS is not doing what is needed to get children what they need when they place us with people. Some are bad and some are good. I've been in DS for seven months now, and I would like to see a DSS clean up. There needs to be more foster homes available. What we go through being in DSS is sometimes worse than in our original homes. We have no say in what happens with us. I'm fourteen, and I was taken because my mom went to jail for pdc and they told me I would be out in two days, which turned into 7 months. I would like to get someone to look at things from the children's eyes. Please listen to what we have to say.