Help a Swedish mother return to her children

Wife and mother denied re-entry into US due to visa error.

Why is this important?

My cousin, a Swedish national, is stranded in Germany! The US of A will not let her back into the country to be with her husband ( A United States Naval Vet) and children after she went to Sweden to get medical treatment! She did not burden the American system, she did not break any laws, she is not a terrorist, yet my country is treating her as if she were an outlaw. If you are married to an American citizen, you should have every right to be be with that person, irregardless of your VISA status. Every American, with the exception of native Indians, was once an immigrant. I understand that there have to be rules, but there also has to be an exception to every rule. Shame on us for depriving a 9 year old of his mother for the next three years. Every country in Europe recognizes marriage and would not separate a mother from her son, a wife from her husband. And to top it off, the American consulate tells her, they are not here to answer questions.
If anyone has any idea about what one should do in a situation like this, please post your comment. I love my cousin dearly, she is always welcome to stay with me in Germany, but I would be so much happier if I knew she was at home in the US with her family, where she belongs. Today, I am not proud to be an American