To: The United States Senate

Help Americans get “Back to Life” not just to a “Job”

The Help Americans get “Back to Life” not just to a “Job” petition will send a message of solidarity, hope, support and unity to every worker and job seeker within the 21st Century workforce. Most of us are experiencing the worst social, economic and political climate of our lives so it’s going to take more than “tips and tactics” to heal from the effects. It’s going to take a concerted, strategic and extremely relevant course of action to bring balance back into the lives of the 21st Century workforce, and we need your help.

In a time where leadership has not only been questioned but desolately absent, it is OUR responsibility to step up and help restore trust amongst our families, friends, neighbors, students and returning veterans who are still struggling to secure balance within this workforce.

In addition to the support given to the workforce, this petition will put our elected officials and the multitude of Job Readiness programs on notice. Its time they support and respond to the needs of the 21st Century workforce, employer, employees, jobseekers and students alike. Their needs have changed and outgrown the level of services that the vast majority of programs are offering. Unless we demand that our elected officials who are supporting organizations and program that are operating off of antiquated job readiness & skills training curriculums; and demand that our programs increase the level of services to meet the needs of the participants, with relevancy, we will, unfortunately, continue to see an increase in discouraged workers.

Amidst the Political, Social and Economic conditions that we’re so valiantly promoting and or defending, let us stay aware of our equally important responsibility to assist with rebuilding the moral, confidence and esteem of those who are struggling, lest we lose them. Encourage an unemployed, underemployed, discouraged worker and or returning veteran TODAY. Sign the “Back to Life” petition today

Why is this important?

It is OUR responsibility, to step up and help restore trust amongst our families, friends, neighbors, students and returning veterans who are still struggling to secure balance within this workforce.
