To: The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, and Governor Tim Walz

Help Change MN State Statute 245c

The reason I am going the help change MN State Statue 245C 15,16 and 24 is because it penalizes people like me whom are not bad people, but people whom had made bad choices and have paid the debt to society as prescribed, but now there is a new law (on the books since 2005) that says even if you done your time you can not be trusted to do certain jobs, that in itself is not the problem it is that this rule had no wiggle room (gary area) for redemption, and we are left to forever to be second class citizen, with the rights to a better tomorrow, because of my past Read the post on the pages and they spells it out, or go to this site: I just want to present my case that I may be the same person, but judge me on whom I am today...

Why is this important?

This is about giving those of whom have changed their lives, a chance to impact others, who are coming behind them, showing that the system does work for all people, not just the few. MN state Statute as of today Permanent disqualification individuals from being all that they can be. I need your help to change this law to where it is on a case by case basis, and not a straight block to a brighter future as a contributing member of our society, and not someone that is stuck, as a second class citizen. draining the system, instead reducting the defict by paying their fair share...Living the American Dream of being all that you can be. join me sign up and call your MN state Legislator