To: The United States House of Representatives
Help Create Government Of, By, and For the People--Not Wealthy Donors.
Please co-sponsor the Government By the People Act, which would:
-Give small-dollar candidates a fighting chance against Super PACs and dark money groups who flood the airwaves in the final days of an election;
-Amplify my voice by matching my small contributions 6-1 or more—so it pays for candidates to listen to me and not just wealthy interests; and
-Help me invest in candidates who care about my priorities and get $25 back at tax time.
-Give small-dollar candidates a fighting chance against Super PACs and dark money groups who flood the airwaves in the final days of an election;
-Amplify my voice by matching my small contributions 6-1 or more—so it pays for candidates to listen to me and not just wealthy interests; and
-Help me invest in candidates who care about my priorities and get $25 back at tax time.
Why is this important?
We need a government of, by, and for the people–not bought and paid for by wealthy donors. Citizens United unleashed a flood of special interest outside spending, and candidate fundraising is also dominated by the wealthy. For example, 2012 U.S. Senate candidates got 64% of the money they raised from individuals in contributions of at least $1,000—from just 0.04% of the population.
These big money donors largely determine who runs for office, who wins elections, and what issues make it onto the agenda in Washington. When candidates dial for dollars or attend high-priced fundraisers, they are hearing from a narrow, rich slice of America—donors who don’t share the same priorities as the rest of us. The very wealthy, for example, are less likely to support policies that give working families a fair shot at economic security—like investing in jobs, a strong minimum wage—and more likely to focus on reducing the deficit. The result is a Congress with warped priorities that favor the donor class and neglect the rest of us.
The Government By the People Act helps put our government back in the hands of ordinary Americans in three key ways:
• My Voice Tax Credit: This $25 tax credit ($50 for joint returns) for small political contributions will help millions of ordinary citizens support candidates who share our priorities, not just those of the donor class.
• Freedom From Influence Fund: This fund will amplify our voices and change candidates’ incentives by matching small contributions, making a $50 check worth $350 or even $500 to a qualified small-dollar candidate. This makes door-to-door fundraising and house parties with constituents as valuable to candidates as high-dollar fundraisers run by lobbyists.
• Fight-Back Fund: This fund will give small-dollar candidates a fighting chance against Super PACs and dark money groups who flood the airwaves in the final days of an election. Qualified candidates can get a last-minute match of up to $500,000 to fight back in a close race.
Together, these provisions can change the game. Candidates can run for office in a new way, We the People can have our voices heard, and wealthy donors can start paying their fair share of taxes rather than paying for politicians who will write them special breaks.
These big money donors largely determine who runs for office, who wins elections, and what issues make it onto the agenda in Washington. When candidates dial for dollars or attend high-priced fundraisers, they are hearing from a narrow, rich slice of America—donors who don’t share the same priorities as the rest of us. The very wealthy, for example, are less likely to support policies that give working families a fair shot at economic security—like investing in jobs, a strong minimum wage—and more likely to focus on reducing the deficit. The result is a Congress with warped priorities that favor the donor class and neglect the rest of us.
The Government By the People Act helps put our government back in the hands of ordinary Americans in three key ways:
• My Voice Tax Credit: This $25 tax credit ($50 for joint returns) for small political contributions will help millions of ordinary citizens support candidates who share our priorities, not just those of the donor class.
• Freedom From Influence Fund: This fund will amplify our voices and change candidates’ incentives by matching small contributions, making a $50 check worth $350 or even $500 to a qualified small-dollar candidate. This makes door-to-door fundraising and house parties with constituents as valuable to candidates as high-dollar fundraisers run by lobbyists.
• Fight-Back Fund: This fund will give small-dollar candidates a fighting chance against Super PACs and dark money groups who flood the airwaves in the final days of an election. Qualified candidates can get a last-minute match of up to $500,000 to fight back in a close race.
Together, these provisions can change the game. Candidates can run for office in a new way, We the People can have our voices heard, and wealthy donors can start paying their fair share of taxes rather than paying for politicians who will write them special breaks.