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To: Tim Bookwalter, Prosecutor, Justin Long, Chief Deputy Putnam, Scott Stockton, Putnam County Sheriff, Heather Gilbert, Clerk, Putnam County, Hon. Matthew L. Headley, Judge, The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, and Governor E...

Help End Putnam County's Illegal Surveillance and Seizure

Over the years we have been harassed by false accusations and seizures, falsely jailed, illegally searched, overtaxed to enable seizures, experienced failure to acknowledge corporate entity, discriminated against regarding our zoning rights, and conspired on by neighbors to inflict financial damage.
View a brief explanation and videos of our story here:

Why is this important? is currently investigating the collusion of multiple government entities to illegally remove personal property and illegally trespass. An investigative video was completed on behalf of the victim, and they have already garnered the support of their neighbors, family members, and community.
The main complaint is directed at the Putnam County Sheriff's Department and the Putnam County Commissioner's office.
The victims have been involved in this dispute far too long and deserve justice.
Help to end this illegal overreach.
View a brief explanation and evidence video at the URL below:



2020-05-08 06:56:44 -0400

100 signatures reached