To: Brian Bushweller, Senator, Darryl Scott, State Representative, Donald Blakey, State Representative, Kathleen MacRae, Executive Director, ACLU-Delaware, Roy Sudler, Chair, City of Dover Human Relations Commission, Doug James, State Human ...

Help Fight Discrimination in Dover, Delaware

The City of Dover, Delaware, through its staff and members of City Council, are using their public offices to discriminate against African Americans and disabled residents.

Why is this important?

I support the House of Pride, which provides low-cost housing, meals, and a number of essential resources on a daily basis to disadvantaged members of the Dover community. As of late, the City of Dover has increased its efforts to dismantle the House of Pride as it moves forward with plans to drive African Americans out of the surrounding downtown area to attract investors for redevelopment projects. Reports of excessive police force and discriminatory housing practices have proliferated in recent months. This type of racially motivated behavior can no longer be tolerated.