To: Idaho Ombudsman

Help gay veteran be buried with her wife

74 year old Madelynn Taylor U.S. Navy Veteran has been denied the right to be buried with her wife. The Idaho Veterans Cemetery has denied her this right citing Idaho law does not recognize same sex marriages even though the US Military does. Please sign this petition to send to the Idaho Ombudsman.
"I've been discriminated against for 70 years, and they might as well discriminate against me in death as well as life," she said.

Since Idaho only recognizes a marriage between a man and a woman, the cemetery said it has to abide by the state's constitution. "I don't see where the ashes of a couple old lesbians is going to hurt anyone," Taylor said.

Why is this important?

It is an outrage to me that a member of the armed services is forbidden to be buried with their spouse over archaic laws that are changing daily.
