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To: Students of Gadsden County

Dress Code Fairness For All Students

Petition to Revise the New Dress Code Policy**

To Gadsen County High School Administration,

We, the students of Gadsen County High, are writing to express our concerns regarding the recent changes to the dress code policy implemented by the new principal. The new rule, which mandates that all students can’t wear dresses, skirts or shorts, has caused significant discomfort and dissatisfaction among the student body.

**Reasons for Revising the Dress Code:**

1. **Comfort and Personal Expression**: The ability to choose our attire, within reasonable guidelines, is important for our comfort and personal expression. Limiting us to only wearing pants restricts our ability to express ourselves and feel comfortable in our school environment.

2. **Cultural and Religious Considerations**: Some students may have cultural or religious reasons for wearing specific types of clothing. The new policy does not take these important considerations into account.

3. **Weather and Practicality**: Wearing pants exclusively may not be practical during warmer months, leading to discomfort and potential health issues.

4. **Equality and Fairness**: The new dress code policy should promote equality and fairness, allowing all students to have a choice in their clothing while maintaining a respectful and appropriate school environment.

We respectfully request that the administration reconsider the new dress code policy and allow students the option to wear skirts, shorts, or other appropriate attire in addition to pants. We believe that a more flexible dress code will contribute to a positive and inclusive school environment.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Serinity Budd   
11th grade  
Gadsden County High school

Why is this important?

 Student Comfort and Well-being: The ability to choose what to wear can significantly impact students' comfort and well-being. If students are uncomfortable, it can affect their focus and performance in school.



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100 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached