To: Wavy TV 10, The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, Governor Ralph Northam, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Help Keep Families Together By Joining The Fight In Approving Conjugal Visitss

My fight for conjugal visits in the State of Virginia is inspired by the incarceration of my husband. We have a family and I believe quality time plays a vital role in keeping a healthy marriage and to the development of our children, not to mention it makes for a more calm inmate environment. Please join me in fighting for conjugal visits in the State of Virginia's Department of Corrections and all over the USA.

Why is this important?

My fight for conjugal visits in the State of Virginia is inspired by the incarceration of my husband. We have a family and I believe quality time plays a vital role in keeping a healthy marriage and to the development of our children, not to mention it makes for a more calm inmate environment.

Please join me in fighting for conjugal visits in the State of Virginia's Department of Corrections and all over the USA. Just because a person is behind bars does not mean they are guilty; some are but there are many who are not. Some have been forced into a guilty plea and others have just been unfortunate and could not afford the proper legal help to assist them when they have been wrongly accused and convicted. I'm fighting to be the voice for them and for the ones who have done their time and have changed for the better. They may not be able to come home, but at least they can be a part of their families' lives on a more intimate level. It is not too much to ask and there can be policies put in place to keep it a hassle-free service. Even if these conjugal visits are only approved on a case by case basis, for example: an inmate may have to reach certain criteria before being allowed to participate in a conjugal visit, or loved ones have to pay a certain dollar amount for these visits.

In any case, I'm sure we are all willing to cooperate in order to spend 30 minutes or more with our loved one. We only get one life and the bond between family is extremely morally important and it is an injustice to keep families apart, especially married couples and innocent children. The jail and prison system is often referred to as a rehabilitation center, but there is nothing rehabilitating about keeping people behind bars whether they've changed, they've been on good behavior, or they're just simply innocent. They deserve to spend a portion of that time with their families even if it has to be under supervision. A room with a camera? So be it; we just ask for a quiet place where we can be alone together talking, sleeping, holding one another, being able to be intimate, or maybe a child getting help with homework, etc. These are all things that should be allowed for those who qualify.

In conclusion, to whom it may concern, please approve Conjugal Visits In The State Of Virginia. I assure you a positive outcome across the board. Thank you in advance.

Sincerely, Tamara Smith Mchellon
