To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Help Keep Legal Immigrants Out of Limbo

We and our families have been waiting too long for our immigration petitions to be reviewed. Speed up processing the backlog of applications (specifically at the Vermont Servicing Center) so we don't have to wait to be with our families

Why is this important?

With all the national attention on undocumented immigrants, USCIS seems to be getting behind on their paperwork. Hundreds of US Citizens trying to immigrate their families, spouses, and fiances are forced to wait while government workers are backlogged under paperwork. It's time we bring some attention to legal immigration and get things moving. No US Citizen or legal immigrant should be separated from their loved ones any longer than necessary.

The current promised processing time for most application is five months and many applications are exceeding 12 months and still outstanding. And that only accounts for the time applicants wait for their petitions to be initially viewed. It can take many months after that until a visa is granted. In the past, some applications were processed in 90 days or less. What's the holdup?