To: The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, and Governor Matt Bevin

Help Kentucky Public Education

Accept and assure that every penny of money recieved by the State of Kentucky for Education from the Federal Government is used for the Education of our children. And that all those in charge of our schools and children are properly trained and advanced in the education system assuring us that the children of the State of Kentucky advance their educations far past the rest of the world and especially bringing them into the 21st Century by ending the policies of the Bush administration's No Child Left Behind litigation. Handing the ability to teach and test every child equally within their ability to learn at their own pace. There by authorizing the educators of our State of Kentucky to take control back of the Kentucky Educational System. All benefits of those in the educational system should be in tact, i. e., health insurance, vacations and retirement. Too making sure those in our educational system are able to communicate with our children in a kind, caring and professional manner. Those teachers and school employees should be required to be assest every year pertaining to their job and how they are treating and educating those children. The jobs of those should not be judged upon by a School Board but, by the parents and teachers alike to assure they are doing a saticefactory job, or if they should be released from their duties.
Please help get Kentucky's Educational System back on track and into the 21st Century and away from the failed litigation of a failed administration.
Thank You

Why is this important?

The State of Kentucky should use every availible piece of legislation handed down from President Obama to save and advance our children's education into the 21st Century. As well as help end No Child Left Behind, insuring all children recieve an equal and world leading factually based education. With the very best teachers to proceed with the projected measures to put our kids far into the 21st Century and ahead of the rest of the world.
All parents, community leaders and educators should sign this petition. as well as those in our local and state governments.