To: President Donald Trump

Help Keyla!

Please watch this video and help get my wife, a physician, to Keyla. Keyla suffers seizures and is in the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. At last report she is suffering from major depression, as a federal judge described her condition. We have not been allowed contact with Keyla. The video by a Dallas investigative reporter:

Why is this important?

My wife and I took Keyla into our family in 2005, at the request of her family. In 2011, we had to leave Matamoros for the narco-war. Despite assurances by our federal government that we could apply for humanitarian parole for Keyla, she was taken into the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. In its custody she has been moved from Texas to Illinois to Pennsylvania and now to California. Her condition has significantly deteriorated since her seizure by our federal government.