To: Intuit Green Team

Help Make Intuit Plano Greener

Take the pledge and win!

Why is this important?

Going green saves our Intuit Plano office thousands of dollars a year. And everyday choices you make can improve our impact even more. This is why we’re asking you to join us in reducing our collective impact by taking this pledge. Plus, when you sign this pledge, you'll be entered to win some fun Intuit swag. Will you join us? (Deadline: Friday, April 29th at 5 PM).

• I pledge to use my desk recycling bin properly. Recyclables go in the large blue bin. Waste goes in the smaller black bin.

• I pledge to use a plate (not a compostable tray) when I eat in the cafeteria.

• I pledge to compost all of my food waste using the compost bins in the cafeteria and in the breakrooms on my floor.

• I pledge to turn off the lights when I leave a conference room.

• I pledge to only put EMPTY containers (plastic and glass) and paper products in the recycling bin; plasticware, food wrappers, and soiled paper goes in the trash; and food and compostable containers go in the compost bin.