To: The Pennsylvania State Senate and Sen. Robert Casey (PA-1)

Help our Children: Pass Bill S. 1503 the Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education, and R...

Let's get Bill S. 1503, the Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2015, moving and passed in Pennsylvania. This disease affects our most precious group--our children--and if not treated can be fatal. There is so much that medical professionals and the public does not yet know. Help our children and stop Lyme Disease before it becomes an epidemic.

Why is this important?

The Honorable Senator Robert P. Casey Jr.
22 S. Third Street 6A
Harrisburg, Pa. 17101

November 12, 2015

Dear Senator Casey:

My name is Monica L. Wallace and I am a rising Junior at Carlow University's School of Social Work studying to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work with a concentration of Crisis and Trauma.

I am writing you as a constituent to tell you my story and also express my hope that you will push to get Bill S. 1503, the Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2015, from the introduction phase to being passed through both Houses and finally becoming a law. There is so much that medical professionals and the general public does not know about Lyme Disease. It mostly affects our most precious population--our children--and if not treated, can have life-long affects and be fatal. I am a voice of the people affected with this disease and I am pleading with you to help our children.

July 2013 is when I become aware of Lyme Disease. My son Nathaniel at the age of three was bitten by a blacklegged tick on his neck. For three months he endured flu like symptoms and pain. Every single time that I took him to get examined by a doctor I was told that he was fine or it was just a bug. One time I took him to his primary care physician because he woke up with a red flaky rash on his forehead near his hairline. A rash is one of the first signs of Lyme Disease. The doctor accused me of placing my child in danger and permitting or letting him have access to chemicals.

In September 2013 my son expressed that his knee was hurting and appeared to walk with a limp. Shortly thereafter his knee swelled up and he was unable to move his leg. I took him to the hospital to be examined. I explained to the physician and the medical staff about his condition and the countless trips to his PCP and the hospital and every time I was he was seen I told nothing was wrong with him.

Now here we are months later and with the same symptoms and now he has loss mobility. I told the ER doctor that there is definitely something wrong with my son and you have to fix him! They performed a battery of tests and drew some fluid from his knee. I was told by the physician that fluid in his knee was a yellow-green color instead of the clear indicating an infection. That day he was diagnosed with Lyme disease and it was stated to me that it is in his blood and had spread throughout his body. He was immediately admitted. His was treated but not cured. He still has symptoms to this day.

My son was 1 of the 5,758 statewide reported cases of Lyme Disease in 2013 in. For the past five years, Pennsylvania has reported the most Lyme disease cases nationwide according to the CDC. Here are some scary facts about Lyme Diesase:

• Blacklegged ticks can transmit a parasite which can cause anemia.
• Has the potential to be fatal.
• Can causes fever, headache, chills and muscle aches.
• The disease also can lead to psychological changes.

Lyme Disease can be cured if detected early so there is hope to stop it before it becomes an epidemic. It is sad that this disease attacks one of our most precious populations: our children between the ages of 3-7. I am pleading with you to help our children and push to get Bill S. 1503 1503 the Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education, and Research Act of 2015 passed.


Monica L. Wallace