To: William W. (Bill) Bragg, Cabarrus County Clerk of Court

Help our kids feel safe again please!

Our new neighbor, Kim Cooper, scares the neighborhood kids everyday. She yells, threatens them, cusses at them, tries to hit them with belts when she gets the opportunity, often chasing them. Last month she injured a 17 year old boy by striking him in the head with a blunt object causing him to bleed out.

Why is this important?

There is constant occurrences of Kim Cooper threatening our children. On January 29, 2016 my son was at Kim's neighbor's house to play with his friends just as he has since before Kim moved in. Kim tried to swing a belt at him and proceeded to approach him tell him to "get his bad a** out of the yard" or she was going to "whoop his a** and don't come the f**k back over to play", although he was not in her portion of her front yard. I approached her residence to calmly talk to her to figure out the issue and try to compromise or meet a solution. However, she started to raise her voice, insult me, threatened to have her daughters jump me and her grand daughters jump my daughter and she promised if my son came to play with his friend she would find an opportunity to take to physically hit him with her belt. My son is scared. That day he came in crying and shaking because he thought she was going to catch him and beat him with the belt. I asked my housing office for help and no solution, police told me to go to the magistrate and his answer was maybe I should just not let him play with his friend anymore. It is unfair that my child has to be scared when he is outside because she seems to have a low tolerance for children, even her grand daughters. She yells at them constantly and doesn't want them in the house until it is dark. These grand daughters, who I estimate to be about 7 and 11, have jumped on a 3 year old residence. They follow my daughter everyday telling her they are going to beat her up and the 11 year old has ran my 6 year old daughter over with her bike about two weeks ago. The grandma also attacked a 17 year old hitting him with blunt object to his head causing him to bleed out and go to the E.R. My kids are scared all our kids in Harold Goodman circle are terrified and bullied by Kim Cooper, her daughters and her grand daughters. We are asking for help, the answer for us should not be to confine our children inside our home because we have a resident who lacks basic respect of human beings in general. The police have been called out on numerous occasions because of this residence. We just want the peace for our kids restored. We are signing this petition in hopes of Kim Cooper being evicted so we can have a kid friendly neighborhood again. Thank your for the time and support.