To: The Florida State House and The Florida State Senate

Help our working Country, Stop Workplace Bullying

I am only 1 of 35% of American’s who have fallen victim to workplace bullying. Help become a voice for those voices that have been silenced or crushed. Stop workplace bullying and pass The Healthy Workplace Bill for Florida, SB308 and HB149. In simple terms these bills are to protect individuals from being bullied in a workplace environment.

Workplace bullying has many characteristics. There is no set definition; what may happen to you directly may not be perceived the same to other people. A few signs to look for are: constant criticism, lots of yelling, gossip and lies, being singled out, and being sabotaged purposely. It can cause major health problems such as, depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and can even to lead to suicide. Workplace bullying is also a financial burden to the employer. It has such adverse effects, in the manner that, the victim of the bullying is constantly taking time off of work, the loss of satisfactory production, and even shrinkage of clientele.

The Senate Bill SB308 states:
An act relating to abusive workplace environments; creating the “Abusive Workplace Environment Act”; providing legislative findings and purposes for the act; defining terms; prohibiting a public employer from subjecting his or her employee to an abusive workplace environment; declaring that an employer violates the act if he or she subjects an employee to an abusive workplace environment or has knowledge that any person has subjected an employee of the employer to an abusive workplace environment and has failed to exercise reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct the abusive conduct;

To read the full text of SB308 see link

The House of Representative HB149 states:
An act relating to safe work environments; providing a short title; providing legislative findings and purposes; creating part III of chapter 448, F.S.; providing definitions; providing that subjecting an employee to an abusive work environment is an unlawful employment practice; prohibiting retaliation against an employee who has opposed any unlawful employment practice or who has made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation or proceeding concerning such a claim;

To read the full text of HB149 see link

Please give your support to these two bills as they are essential for our working environment. Do not allow another person to lose even one more day of sleep due to the torture from another.

Why is this important?

Bullying does not stop after grade school. Like many thousands of adults, I have been tormented at my place of employment. Please help stop workplace bullying.