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To: President Donald Trump, The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, Governor Phil Murphy, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Help Paul Bergrin

We need your help. . Paul Bergrin has been incarcerated for the past 4 years. Let me give you a background his name Paul Bergrin. He has been falsely accused. He has a record of saving lives and helping the needy which far surpasses anything that any person could ever accomplished in their life. He was asked by his Country to serve overseas in Panama, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Kuwait, Germany and Iraq 13 times and he never hesitated. After that the government awarded him the Army Commendation Medal 3 times, The Army Achievement Medal 4 times, Oversea Service Medals and he has helped more people than any person could have ever in their life time. That I am proud of his accomplishments as he fought for the underdog and down and out when no one else would. If anyone has something derogatory to say they should allow me to respond.

I am so sick and devastated by false accusations and people degrading him when he worked so hard to get where he is. No one ever gave him anything. His father was a NY Police Officer who was very abusive to him and his Mom, sister and brother. He lost his sister to Aids and helped raise her 3 young children by working 2 to 3 jobs. He worked till 3 o' clock in the morning while in law school, studied and got up for 9 a.m. classes. He was awarded 2 Book Awards in law school when most never receive one for academic achievement and the highest A in the class. He graduated from the US Army Command and General Staff College, Military Intelligence Course, Advanced Judge Advocate General, Infantry. He was an expert on multiple weapons and he did this all on my own. No one ever helped him with anything.

He went overseas to defend our soldiers who were being scapegoat and the government, the same ones whom are prosecuting him wanted to put his fellow soldiers away from life, in Abu Ghrab, Object Iron triangle, and defense of Tank Commander Leon Parker.

The Government threatened him that if he went overseas to defend my fellow soldiers there is a chance he will be killed, suffer serious bodily injury, paralysis, loss of limb or be captured and tortured and killed by insurgent or enemy forces. He went 5 times despite this and many times they were bombed so heavily with mortars no one never believed my dad would return.

Paul Bergrin was currently at MDC while he was on trial. Take a guess where Paul Bergrin is. I will tell you where he isn't first: He isn't in the same cell he's been in at MDC Brooklyn for the last four years. If you do a search on the BOP website "inmate locator" it tells you that Bergrin's status is RELEASED as of the 18th of March, but don't think he has actually been released.

Some vindictive party in the US Attorney's Office in Newark had Paul Bergrin sent to the Essex County jail and put on suicide watch and in protective custody. He is in solitary confinement. His legal papers and other belongings stayed at MDC Brooklyn. It was court-ordered, but Judge Cavanaugh did NOT order it. Paul Bergrin is also not in any way suicidal and just wants to be reunited with his papers so he can get the appeals show on the road.

Additionally, separating Paul Bergrin from his legal papers is in fact a violation of his right to counsel. This has now become a constitutional violation (Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution). Remember - Paul Bergrin is his own counsel.

So who is the asshat in the US Attorney's Office in Newark? Well, any one of the AUSAs could have initiated the action, but Paul Fishman had to know about it. Fishman was all over Paul Bergrin from the minute the verdicts were announced. Realize that Bergrin used to work in that same US Attorney's Office, until he testified on behalf of a friend, and then he was ignored until he left. He has been despised for his testimony ever since.

Imagine the level of vindictiveness it took to put him in solitary. I do not understand how the Court has allowed this to happen. He has been in general population for 4 years and clearly poses no security threat. It's also clear to anyone that has spoken to Paul that he certainly is not suicidal. So is this something they make-up when they really want to screw a person and prevent him from working on his necessary legal paperwork?

He has NOT even been convicted. Yet they are punishing him before sentencing to gloat and exact revenge. The court has just let the venomous reich have a free for all with a man who just (for now) lost the battle of his life while the government pays Anthony Young's commissary tab every month. How warped is that?

If you look-up Paul Bergrin in Essex County Corrections, you will see that the Detainer Information states that it was issued by NJUSM0100. Some knowledgeable person could define that.

I also know that there is a sentencing and time served issue involved. Sentencing law is extremely complicated and a specialty area, though I have attempted to interpret BOP's time calculation guidelines in past. I do recall that not all time served is necessa...

Why is this important?

Help Paul Bergrin get out of prison!



2021-11-24 00:00:26 -0500

25 signatures reached