To: All wonderful US citizens who want to preserve jobs and families and Pres. Obama in office

Help Pres. Obama and get US economy going

Help create new jobs through your purchasing power, help "vote" through your purchasing power, help keep our economy going and swing your power to create jobs. Rise to this American Challenge.

Why is this important?

With the Euro economy struggling, Republicans breathing down Pres. Obama's neck with all of their money to oust him, repeated efforts to create US jobs with republican opposition (unless it is for big oil), I'd like to appeal to my fellow Americans, to go out and buy something American. Recent data shows that productivity is down... which means that those of us who have been fortunate enough to work, are now tired of our overload... and this is going to force companies to hire.... IF... the demand for products stays up. So, go out there and be a good-demanding-American! Go buy something! But be planful... pick an American product, or American friendly product, or democratic friendly product, and help keep up the demand. Help create new jobs through your purchasing power, help "vote" through your purchasing power, help keep our economy going. Make it harder on the Obama haters to hate. Rise to this American Challenge! Show the Kock brothers, Karl Rove, Trump, Rush and the republicans who love to hate, that we are going to take back our country despite their twisted agenda.
