To: The Texas State Senate and Governor Greg Abbott

Help Protect Women's Health in Texas

Dear Texas lawmakers,

We the people of Texas do not agree with laws passed that would rob our state of $35 million annually in federal help to provide 130,000 poor women access to health care.

We will not stand by and watch you inflict needless suffering on poor women, or any other segment of our great state.

Please find a way to uphold our state constitution and federal law by repealing the law making it illegal for the state to provide Medicaid funds to a doctor or clinic that is affiliated with an organization that provides elective abortions.


The PEOPLE and VOTERS of the State of Texas

Why is this important?

Texas has signaled that it would rather lose $35 million annually in federal help to provide 130,000 poor women access to health care than allow Planned Parenthood to receive part of the funding.

Health and Human Services Commissioner Tom Suehs signed a rule Thursday that officially bans Planned Parenthood and abortion provider affiliates from getting funding from Texas’ largely successful Women’s Health Program.

We must call on the State Senate to repeal the law that makes this possible so that we may protect the health of women in Texas. Especially those who are unable to seek healthcare without state and federal aid.