To: President Donald Trump, The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, Governor Tony Evers, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Help save our economy and ecosystems with a provision to the Endangered Species Act

Enable Wildlife Agencies to conduct studies to determine whether new business developments to an area will efficiently and effectively co-exist with local wildlife and habitat under a provision to the Endangered Species Act, which would prevent areas of vital ecological importance to be commercially or residencially developed on by corperations, franchises, or urban sprawl. Areas with any threatened species must be safe-guarded under this new provision which would also regardless of threatened or non-threatened species local to these areas be further subjected to limitations on how many franchised expansions can exist within a given areas local economy and ecosystems. This provision would be safe-guarded for future generations under the United States Constitution and once passed could not omited from the Endangered Species Act.

Why is this important?

This petition in short is my own personal attempt to save America from itself and allow our nations wildlife and habitat to forever thrive under this constitutional amendment which I hope to have help incorperating into the Endangered Species Act, which is the only soverign voice that nature has among our laws to ensure it endours this age of industrialized expansion of capitolism. I want to ensure that our free market remains in tact allowing local businesses the right to affectively compete and prohibiting excessive corperate franchise expansion to areas that must be protected. It would also aid in teaching us as Americans that we must use our freedoms to build our homes and lives within the balance of nature, instead of us whining over such inconviences like local habitat and wildlife which might get in the way of our hunting hobbies, or golf courses. It's time to live responsibly and freedom and pursuit of happiness should extend past our own species, to the rest of earth's creations.