HELP SAVE SOCIAL SECURITY. Make the rich pay the same FICA percentage rate on their paychecks as everyone else. NOT LESS!!! If we all pay the same FICA rate for Medicare, then we should also pay the same rate for Social Security. Why should the rich pay a much lower FICA rate than they employee emptying their trash? End the regressive FICA rate for Social Security.
Why is this important?
On our pay stubs, we've all seen those nasty FICA deductions . This is how our Federal Government uses our hard-earned money to fund both Social Security and Medicare. BUT, wealthier individuals actually pay a much lower percentage rate than the rest of us. If we all pay the same FICA rate for Medicare, then we should all pay the same FICA rate for Social Security!. Once again, MAKE THE RICH PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE TO SAVE SOCIAL SECURITY.