To: Geoffrey M. Szymanski, Mayor of Lackawanna,NY
Help investigate Halal Market and save a rabbit
Stop the Halal Market from illegally selling injured & suffering animals and call for an investigation of the treatment of the animals by the slaughterhouse workers.
Why is this important?
I went behind the scenes in this market/slaughterhouse (you can pick out your animal to be killed) and I was horrified. Workers poking crammed chickens in cages with a huge poker that looks like something you would use for a grill, no adequate food or water, and animals in bad shape. A rabbit with a broken leg and back that was left there to suffer, (I bought him and sadly he was in such bad shape that he had to be euthanized). It is illegal to sell injured animals yet they did for 20 dollars. Animals left in filth, goats petrified when you approach them, just a horrible atmosphere all around.