To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Help Stop Abuse and Violence Against Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia

Petition against inhumane treatment of Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia

Why is this important?

Every year a large number of Ethiopians migrate to Saudi Arabia for domestic work through a visa system called Kafala. In this system the visa is obtained through the employer. The migrants are not allowed to change employer or move around without the permission of the employer. Because of the inherent flaw of the system many are abused specially women. The abuse surfaced in recent days as the government of Saudi Arabia implemented a new law that required migrants either to leave the country or upgrade their immigration status. Essentially the new law automatically made those who came through the Kafala system illegal. It is impossible for a detainee to prove that he or she is in the country legally because most people come to Saudi Arabia under contract with an employer, the employers take away their passports until they complete a contract. Since the beginning of November thousands of Ethiopians are now in detention centers, so far over 90000 people have been deported. Still thousands more are rounded and hunted by security forces and vigilantes and being prepared for deportation. The detention centers are spread throughout Saudi Arabia and a large number of detainees are being damped on the Yemen side of the border. Because of deliberate media campaigns, there is a huge report of abuse, torture and rape. I demand justice on behalf of my fellow Ethiopians. With the help of world leaders this modern day slavery will stop. I am appealing to you to consult the Saudi Government to restrain its brutal treatment of Ethiopians, and help to return the Ethiopians to their people. The situation is desperate. The violence against Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia has now approaching the scale of genocide. People are being killed and tortured everywhere and young people are commuting suicide. In a detention center there are several prisons. Each 300-person prison is packed with 500 people. Some prisoners report that the place is cold and they are hungry. Children are being born, many pregnant women are having miscarriages. It is impossible for any decent human being to be on the sidelines and to watch this happen. We have every imaginable document to prove this suffering. It is difficult to share images of horror. Please help

1) Communicate our concerns with Saudi authorities, community leaders and also request hearings in countries where rule of law and human rights are respected.

2) Demand the safe return of all Ethiopians in the detention centers

4) Demand the return of Ethiopians sentenced to jail terms to be handed over to Ethiopian to finish their sentences in Ethiopia

3) Demand the safe return of all Ethiopians in detention centers.

Finally I believe that the situation of Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia is getting worse by the day. This is silent human tragedy deliberately fanned by hatred and religious fanaticism. It is extremely dangerous and it parallels the Nazi brutal treatment of Jews. It is my wish that the United States Government pays attention to this matter.
