To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Help Stop Cps From Illegally Stealing My Son

On December 12, my 3 1/2-month-old son ended up in the hospital because he was vomiting all his food and he wasn’t able to hold down his milk or Pedialyte. I had no idea what was wrong with him and the doctors were doing everything they could do figure out what the problem was. Although they tried their hardest, we had to get transferred to a children’s hospital. When we got there I was putting him to sleep and trying to comfort him. When we finally found the source we realized my son had a subdural hematoma, which is bleeding in the brain and retinal hemorrhages. The doctors had explained to me that the only thing that explains his injuries is someone had to have shaken him. Anyone who knows me knows I love my son more than life itself and at first I was in denial that his own father would do something to harm his only son. But when I thought about it hard, I realized that in the days before he had gotten sick the ONLY person he had been alone with was his father. Not to mention his father never came with me to Julian’s doctor appointment. That same night I took my son to the hospital. Julian’s dad left my house the very next night and never came to visit my son while he was in the hospital for 2 weeks. Well, while my son was in the hospital he had to have two brain surgeries and ultimately had to get a permanent shunt placed, I was completely devastated. To make things worse, CPS showed up the day we got discharged and took my baby boy from me. I have only been allowed to see him for an hour every Thursday since then. I have a hole in my heart and a knot in my stomach because I don’t have my baby boy in my arms and I don’t get to watch all these milestones. I’m missing out because his dad hurt him and won’t admit it. I NEED my baby home! He’s 8 months already and I’ve missed his 1st Christmas, 1st New Year, 1 Valentine’s Day, 1st Easter, and my First Mother’s Day without my baby. Now they want to take my rights away and put my son Julian up for adoption because there’s no actual evidence other than “he said she said”. His dad has lied to investigators and hasn’t even tried to see him or fight for our son! I’ve done everything that they had asked me to do and they still want to keep my baby from me! I WILL NOT go down without a fight! I will take this to trial and do everything in my power to bring my baby home!

Why is this important?

CPS is trying to terminate my parental rights and trying to illegally steal my son.
