To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Help Stop the Violence
People are misplacing the blame for the violent actions of some of our children, and are trying to place the blame on the guns that are used to carry out the violence. The finger is being pointed in the wrong direction and should be pointed at the parents who allow their children to come home and play violent video games, where they loose touch with reality, and devalue life where it becomes so easy to take another life with just the push of a button.
We have placed our children in a situation where there is very little human interaction, and they are filing their time being drawn into the lifestyles of the fictitious individuals they talk and interact with through their video consoles. We have created individuals who no longer value life and because of that have no guilt in taking the life of another: It's just another level of the game!
If we want to end the violence our children are taking part in, we need to place the human interaction back into their lives. Take the time to sit down with your children every day and interact with them. Show them that life is more than a war game, or a television show where everyone is shooting at anything that moves.
Who knows, that 15 or 20 you spend showing your child that life does matter, may be the little bit of time needed to keep them from taking someone's gun and needlessly killing people, just like they saw in the video game they were playing instead of spending the time with you.
Please sign this petition, promising to spend at least 15 minutes a day interacting with your children, setting a positive example of how good life can be.
We have placed our children in a situation where there is very little human interaction, and they are filing their time being drawn into the lifestyles of the fictitious individuals they talk and interact with through their video consoles. We have created individuals who no longer value life and because of that have no guilt in taking the life of another: It's just another level of the game!
If we want to end the violence our children are taking part in, we need to place the human interaction back into their lives. Take the time to sit down with your children every day and interact with them. Show them that life is more than a war game, or a television show where everyone is shooting at anything that moves.
Who knows, that 15 or 20 you spend showing your child that life does matter, may be the little bit of time needed to keep them from taking someone's gun and needlessly killing people, just like they saw in the video game they were playing instead of spending the time with you.
Please sign this petition, promising to spend at least 15 minutes a day interacting with your children, setting a positive example of how good life can be.
Why is this important?
There is too much violence related to the violence our children are exposed to through various media outlets. After watching hours and hours of games and movies, where people are killed without regard to the hurt caused by the killings, our kids are placing themselves in the same situations and are using whatever means to act out the scenes played over and over in the media. We need to step up and show our children how life is not a game and how taking another's life causes pain for not only the deceased individual's family, but also causes pain for their family.