To: Big Machine Records

Help Taylor Swift Sing Her Songs at the AMAS

Taylor Swift has been crowned artist of the decade at the AMAS and wants to sing a medley of her previous works but is unable to.

Why is this important?

Taylor Swift has been fighting for her music rights for almost a year now. Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun refuse to permit her to sing her previous works at the AMAs for no valid reason. Both of these men have antagonized her and continue to use their position of power to try and scare her from speaking out. Neither of these men has contributed to her success and it’s disgusting to see them take credit for what she has made for herself and her career. So many young upcoming artists have been taken advantaged of people in positions of power. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest artists in the world right now imagine being so high up in an industry but can’t sing your own music it’s unsettling and we need change now.
