To: Ray LaHood, Department of transportation, President Donald Trump, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

Help the Honeybees

Stop mowing roadsides and plant perennials that flower

Why is this important?

Roadside are some of the last places for honeybees and other insect life to forage in this age of mono culture a flower can be hard to find. A pesticide free plant is getting harder to find in a field or along rail roads or even in parks. A road side covered in flowers would be a joy to behold for bees and people. It would save money in the long run as well as make job now, cleaning and planting the roadsides. Then we would save fuel and labor by only mowing once. A lot of plants make better ground cover then grass. Our road sides should be in bloom from spring to fall. If we wait till spring to mow the plant life hepl hold snow and give wild life a place to forage.