To: President Donald Trump, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Help The Mentally Ill Become More Productive

The mentally ill community is often considered incompetent and detrimental to society however; this community can be a productive part of society reason being it consists of those who are high functioning. These intelligent people are able to contribute to their community in various ways. For example, working off debts they have created from their debtors, volunteering, working less hours or part-time to keep stress levels low, construction (holding the stop or slow signs) filing, counsel others, share their stories, run support groups, run and maintain their group homes, cleaning services etc., and supervised back into the workforce as capable and rational human beings. Therefore, I urge our state & federal government to stop sending them to the government funded program that teaches them skills they will never use. Instead, assess their ability and provide them with training and the opportunity to use the skills they have acquired. Otherwise, how will we know this community is getting better if there is no standard to which their progress is measured?
Those who suffer from mental illness are not completely inept and can be given responsibility and a reason to fulfill their God given purpose for living. The outcome can only be greater self-worth and a more effective society. This will promote optimal mental health in this community so that they can continue to function at their highest level developing a better mental, physical, and social well-being. Let’s not feed them medication along with an empty life because they contribute to their dysfunction. Dysfunctions like being a menace to society, stigmatized thru gun violence, suicide, homelessness or involvement in cults. Instead we want them to become a functional part of society thru increase cognitive therapy, low dose medication and productivity. Please sign my petition and help your fellow man.

Why is this important?

Help the mentally Ill lead more productive lives and reduce chances of gun violence, suicide or being a menace to society.