Help us end CPS/DCBS and family court corruption and preserve families.
Why is this important?
This petition is to show there are many families that are being torn apart due to lies from CPS workers, angry family members, and revenge-seeking exes and even medical personnel. As a whole nation, we need to put a stop to CPS and family court corruption.
CPS doesn't seem to care about what is best for our children and WE ALL need to expose them for tearing apart good families and taking away kids who are loved yet leaving children who are abused in unfortunate circumstances in homes where they are in real danger.
Please help me in exposing all CPS and all family courts for their corruption.
NO parent should know the pain of having their child/children taken away and placed in a home with pure strangers. DCBS/DFS/CPS/FAMILY COURT would much rather take children from their homes and send them to strangers than try to ACTUALLY repair families.
We CAN stand and SPEAK UP for OUR children and OUR rights!!