To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker
Help with Jessica's Justice
Please, Help me get Justice in the murder of my Daughter Jessica.
Why is this important?
My daughter Jessica was murdered by her drug dealer, he wants everyone to believe she died of an overdose, the Tyngsboro Police and Massachusettes State Troopers both believe this is the case. Jessicas' dealer had threatened to kill her in this manner on more than one occassion, he followed through with his threats on 10/5/14. Massuchusettes does not prosecute the Supplieor/Dealer I was told by the Massachusettes State Trooper and the Tyngsboro Police involed with the case. There is a nationwide epidemic of Heroin overdoses and there are many states that are prosecuting the dealer/ supplier. On 1/25/15, two women in Aurora, IN were charged with Reckless Homicide. They allegedly supplied drugs that ultimately caused the death of another person. The edition of the Chicago Tribune dated 1/29/15 stated in part, that Andrea Neilsen was found guilty by a jury on January 28, 2015 of Drug Induced Homicide in connection with the death of Abbey Nordmeyer. Also on January 29, 2015, 24 Hour News 8 from Wood, MI, reported that Kevin Obi was convicted in 2004 of supplying the drug that caused the death of a 21 year old young lady. Kevin Obi was sentenced to 25 years in prison for his crime. Please help my family get the Justice that our loved one so deserves.