To: Daniel J. Kelly, Board Chair, Thomas P. Sullivan, Board Vice Chair, Pamala M. Davis, Board Secretary, Thomas E. Kuhn, Treasurer, Shirley J. Bryant, Trustee, Christine M. O'Sullivan, Trustee, and Sandra L. Ritter, Trustee

Hey, OCC don't discriminate against me: Tuition Equality

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Oakland Community College in Michigan has changed their policies so that tuition charges for DREAMERs and Undocumented students are now 73% higher than before. This tuition hike destroys dreams. OCC give Dreamers and other undocumented students equal access to education by adopting a tuition policy that is fair and that does not discriminate! Give us tuition equality!

Why is this important?

I work in immigration reform and I see a lot of good people being hurt by local and federal policies whose sole aim is to hurt people. In the late 1890s, Michigan's population was more than 50% foreign born, Michigan was made by DREAMERs and this @OCCollege policy does not reflect the spirit of Michigan.