To: You

Hey you: Pledge to safely intervene next time you witness street harassment

You don't have to strap on superhero spandex to help out someone who has just been harassed; research shows even a knowing look can reduce their trauma and experience of isolation. Learn how to safely intervene when you see harassment happening and pledge to help support others next time it happens.

Here's an awesome infographic on how to be a better bystander:

Why is this important?

I have been street harassed my entire life, and in 2005 I co-founded an organization called Hollaback! to end street harassment globally. We've collected 5,000 stories of harassment, and time and time again we hear from traumatized survivors that when they were harassed, bystanders tended to look away and pretend it wasn't happening. This deepened their trauma, leading to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. We've got to stop pretending that street harassment is normal; it's up to us to put a stop to it.

