To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo
High Copays
I support NYS S 2319/ A 1666, a bill to limit the insurance co-pay for physical therapy care to no more that 20% of the total allowable charge. Insurance companies should not be allowed to require high “specialist” copays for physical therapy services. This practice denies patients access to needed PT care by putting it out of their financial reach.
Why is this important?
The New York Physical Therapy Association (NYPTA) is calling on the state legislature to stop insurance companies from requiring patients to pay the higher “specialist" copay for physical therapy services. Some patients are paying as much as $50 per visit while their insurance may only pay $10, or even nothing at all. High “specialist” copays put physical therapy out of the financial reach of many patients, forcing them to forgo needed care or choose alternative options that drive up the cost of health care for everyone.