To: Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton: don't let the DNC take lobbyist money!
Call on your party to reject convention funds from PACs and lobbyists by publicly urging the DNC to reinstate its ban.
Why is this important?
Our political parties should run their conventions on donations from "we, the people," not lobbyists and PACs. Democrats did that in 2012, but the Democratic National Committee just announced it will take money from PACs and lobbyists to fund its 2016 convention.
Common Cause is calling on every candidate for president to demand a ban on PAC and lobbyist convention funding as a necessary step to change Washington's pay-to-play culture.
Any candidate who wants to be president has to stand up to big money and stand for people — letting PACs and lobbyists buy the national conventions is a step in the wrong direction.
But a candidate who took a bold stance against the party insiders, would distinguish himself or herself as a champion for reform.
Hillary Clinton should put public pressure on the DNC to reverse this capitulation to special interests. If its presidential candidates speak out loudly and swiftly, party leaders will act.
Common Cause is calling on every candidate for president to demand a ban on PAC and lobbyist convention funding as a necessary step to change Washington's pay-to-play culture.
Any candidate who wants to be president has to stand up to big money and stand for people — letting PACs and lobbyists buy the national conventions is a step in the wrong direction.
But a candidate who took a bold stance against the party insiders, would distinguish himself or herself as a champion for reform.
Hillary Clinton should put public pressure on the DNC to reverse this capitulation to special interests. If its presidential candidates speak out loudly and swiftly, party leaders will act.