To: Secretary Hillary Clinton and Democratic National Committee

Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee: Cut ties with private prisons!

Huge, for-profit prison companies are locking up our people and buying up our politicians. It’s disgusting. Urge Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee to cut all ties with the private prison industry.

Why is this important?

Hillary Clinton must reject for-profit incarceration, disavow the private prison industry, and oppose private prisons in policy platforms.

We are appalled that Secretary Clinton is using private prison industry lobbyists as "money bundlers" to raise huge sums of money for her presidential campaign. These bundlers are lobbyists from the same private prison companies that make billions from our broken and discriminatory criminal justice system by disproportionately locking up Black and brown people in the country's most dangerous prisons, for profit.

And, influenced by the private prison lobby, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is required to keep at least 34,000 immigrants locked up (most in private prison owned facilities) at a cost to taxpayers of $2 billion per year!

We expect more from those who seek our votes. We urge Secretary Clinton to sever all ties with the private prison industry immediately.