To: President Donald Trump
Hillary for Vice President
We, the people, urge Joe Biden to withdraw from the Democratic ticket as vice-president in favor of Hillary Clinton. America cannot afford to be run by the Romney-Ryan ticket, who will do the bidding of the wealthiest 1% and the corporate polluters at BIG oil and "clean" coal. Having HILLARY CLINTON on the Democratic ticket as VP will GUARANTEE a victory for the Obama-Clinton ticket and the Democratic House and Senate candidates running down-ticket. Plus, the reinvigorated enthusiasm of the Democratic voters will results in a FLOOD of new grassroots political donations that will counteract the MILLION$ of dollar$ being donated to Romney by secretive right-wing billionaires. If the Republicans prevail the Supreme Court will become a mouthpiece for the rich and powerful polluters, the economy will be at the mercy of unregulated speculators, women's rights will be set back 100 years, unbridled oil and coal will destroy our planet's environment, and the American dream for the hard working middle class will become an unobtainable distant memory. So, PLEASE, Joe Biden, swap jobs with Hillary, you'll make a GREAT Secreatary of State....
Why is this important?
America cannot afford to be run by the Romney-Ryan ticket, who will do the bidding of the wealthiest 1%, and the polluters at BIG oil and "clean" coal. Having HILLARY CLINTON on the Democratic ticket as VP will GUARANTEE a victory for the Obama-Clinton ticket and the Democratic House and Senate candidates down-ticket.