To: Brian L Roberts and Comcast Cooporation, Chairman and Chief and Randall Stephenson, Time Warner and AT&T, CEO
Hire a Black Woman
We are calling on CNN and MSNBC to provide the representation that we deserve. We are demanding that you hire a black woman as a full-time daily host of an hourly show. We will not accept a decrease in the number of Black men, one each at this point, who have a show. We will not accept a decrease in the number of black women and black men who have a weekend show. We have numerous boycotts prepared. #HireABlackWoman #Sign&Retweet @CNN @MSNBC @COMCAST @TIMEWARNER @AT&T
Why is this important?
This petition was started due to the lack of the representation of Black Women as leaders in the news media. Black women are always guests, used to boost ratings. Black women are always used to save America when elections are going towards the most unscrupulous candidates. Black women have numerous advanced degrees, experiences, and talents that will help all viewers apply aspects from all Americans, in order to make personal decisions. However, this cannot be done if our narrative is being chronically controlled by others.