Please ask all the Federal, State, and County officials to bring back Union and non Union employees to assist the jobless. Please increase funding for non profit organizations working to train and place people back to work. Reverse the reduction of 22% plus in job training and employment support programs. In times of joblessness, we need to increase the programs. What we are doing is reducing them. How will we recover if the union busting and purge of public employment continues? Hire back all government job program employees. Fund a recovery do not hinder it any longer.
Why is this important?
I Joe Sangataldo was laid off 10/10/10 from the Vineland One Stop Center with six other Employment Counselors. We were federal stimulus full time funded Civil Service and UAW Union Employees. The County said the were short funds and had to cut. Acutal budgets I reviewed for the specific county budget showed no short fall in funds.
I and my Co Workers were sending Adults to training, job searching, and advising several thousands of area unemployed to battle the lack of jobs. In Cumberland and Atlantic County NJ the UI rate is over 15% easy. It is almost at the bottom for jobs in the entire nation.