To: Wells Fargo Bank, Rels Valuation, Wacovia, Bank of America, Country Wide and Credit Rating Agencies

Hold banks and Directors accoutable for their criminal behavior in mortgage fraud

Hold big bank criminaly responsible

Why is this important?

For some reason not single banks, director, officer or employee has been prosecuted and sent to prison for the crimes that they commited by fraudulently inflating home prices, improperly influencing appraisers, fabricating false income information, lying in loan applications, selling fraudulent loan to unkowing investors like pension plans Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac (who we the people bailed out). In addition to their fraud originating these loan and selling them off in the secondary markets and robbing the American people of the American Dream they purchased default insurance from companies like AIG (who we the people bailed out) to profit even further if, and when, the America People defaulted on exploding loans that were destined to fail from the start. In otherwords, they bought life insurace on terminally ill patients and lied to the insurance company saying that they were healthy.

As if that was not enough profit, they fraudulently sold these loans to multiple parties and then lied in the foreclosure paperwork to cover up the fraud. At the end, instead to locking them up to rot in jail they were not invesstigated and received a bail out (that we the people also paid).

If any person did this once they would rightfuly go to prison. But if big banks do this millions of times they don't get investigated because everyone did it.

When are we going to see the first bank executive go to prison for their misdeed when every day thousands of Americans become homeless as a result of their fraud.

Enough cover up and prosecute.

What messsage are we sending our children and the world?
