To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


We demand that legislation be passed making gun owners responsible for the damages done by the weapons they've brought into their communities. Allow people to purchase any weapon they legally can, but require all weapons, however purchased, to be registered statewide and/or nationally. If their weapon is involved in a robbery, murder, or to threaten anyone, or does property damages, they are held responsible for monitary damages. In order to insure that those damaged by weapons have civil recouses available, that legislation should require owners to either purchase gun damages insurance, or pay for a bond the cost of which would be decided by each state.

Why is this important?

We've all watched the ongoing failure to legislate gun control in our Country. It hasn't been accomplished, and I doubt it ever will be. We've watched helplessly as thousands of people have been killed every year. There is, however a way that can eventually have a powerful negitive effect on gun ownership and a positive effect on communities without banning any type of weapon.
